Our Ministries
"Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honour the one who serves me."
John 12:26
Welcome! Liturgical ministry is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another. Our liturgies utilise the talents and gifts that God has given this community to the fullest extent. Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation and planning or through a public role of service within the Mass, parishioner contributions help our liturgies to be truly life-giving celebrations. Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries. Contact the Parish Office for further information.
The Parish Choir is our adult choir and consists of about 25 (mostly) adults of all ages, languages and backgrounds. There is no audition. We sing at around two Masses per month. We rehearse every Thursday evening. We combine with the Children’s Choir from time to time.
The Children’s Choir, which began in 2023, has around 16 regular members, at present mostly Primary and Intermediate. We train up cantors from among the children and work to develop faith, voices and musical and liturgical knowledge. The Children’s Choir rehearses most Saturdays during term time, leads Masses several times per year, and joins with the Parish Choir for important Masses.
Please contact the Choir Director, Jennifer Maybee on 022 169 1030
or [email protected] if you would like more information about any of the music groups.
Alpha Course
Alpha is a sort of Back-to-Basics course in Christianity, experiencing some of the basic teachings of Christianity. It is for people who want to learn about Christianity; for people who are thinking about becoming Christians or Catholics; for Catholics who want to deepen their faith; for anyone who wants to develop a personal relationship with Jesus.
We run one, sometimes two every year, often with concurrent English, Korean and Mandarin groups. Contact the Office to find out when the next one is, or to sign up for the next one.
Learn more and book in.
Bible Reflection
Father Terry leads an online Scripture reflection on the following Sunday's Readings on Monday evenings at 7 p.m.
Since the Level-4 lockdown this has been by Zoom. It has proved more popular this way, as it enables people to come who find it difficult to get out at night.
There is also one in Mandarin on Wednesday evening at 8 p.m.
Send him an email here to get the Zoom link.
St Vincent de Paul
The Society's logo consists of three hands. The top hand, the hand of Christ, blesses the cup. The middle hand, the hand of love offers the cup. The bottom hand, the hand of suffering receives the cup.
Their foodbank is open every Wednesday from 10.00 a.m. to 11.15 a.m. in the Parish Centre.
Education in Faith
For children who do not go to a Catholic school.
At the moment we do not have a teacher. The teacher who had been doing it faithfully for years has recently passed away.
Are you willing and able to help in this important ministry?
Pastoral Council
Meet the members of our Parish Pastoral Council here and find out what a Parish Council is for. If you would like to find out more about our parish life please come and speak to one of us after Mass.
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry in the parish is alive and well! Our youth group meets once every two weeks to chat, socialise, pray and contemplate Christ's love for us all. Everyone one is welcome, so make sure to keep an eye out in the parish foyer for our upcoming events. Click through to the youth page to learn more about our team!
Passionist Family Group
PFG wants people to feel welcomed in their parish and to have a true sense of belonging. We want members to accept and appreciate each other, to support each other in times of need and in this way assist people to live their faith in a truly practical way.
- To share our Christian life together and to support each other in times of need and celebration.
- To give example and involve our children in our Christian sharing.
- To build and promote community spirit within our Parish.
Membership...Parishioners are invited to join a group either as an individual, as a couple or as a family.
Meetings...We meet once a month for different social events such as group camps, bowling, theatre nights, games nights and much more.
Contact Libby (09) 534 3183.
Or her email
Or Penny (09) 272 2090
Or her email
or Visit the
Family Group website.
Divine Mercy Group
We meet on Thursday morning at 10 a.m., except during school holidays.
Join us for tea/coffee/cookies.
If you have time for prayer as well, that would be great, but you don't have to. We would just like your company.
Passionist Family Group
PFG wants people to feel welcomed in their parish and to have a true sense of belonging. We want members to accept and appreciate each other, to support each other in times of need and in this way assist people to live their faith in a truly practical way.
- To share our Christian life together and to support each other in times of need and celebration.
- To give example and involve our children in our Christian sharing.
- To build and promote community spirit within our Parish.
Divine Mercy Group
We meet on Thursday morning at 10 a.m., except during school holidays.
Join us for tea/coffee/cookies.
If you have time for prayer as well, that would be great, but you don't have to. We would just like your company.