Questions and Answers
The aging 63-years old Parish Centre is currently seriously outdated, unhygienic with health and safety issues and will not pass a building W.O.F. It is frankly, unfit for mission. We need a centre where our parishioners can comfortably gather for large and small group meetings, Parish celebrations, and post-funeral functions.
The parish appointed Hierarchy Group for the initial concept design and DLM Architects for the detailed drawings and design
Genevieve Koh – a Director of DLM Architects leads their team on this project. DLM is a leading mid-sized consulting company who have vast experience working with community groups in a variety of settings and have a strong relationship with the Auckland Diocese.
Opinions were sought and draft plans shared with the main users of the Parish Centre including parish groups, funeral caterers etc.
We are using the services of a range of professionals. Sub-contractors include structural, fire, mechanical and hydraulic engineers along with design specialists.
The Lead Project Manager is Watershed who are leading the whole process in conjunction with the Parish Finance Committee. Watershed have given the architects approval to progress to detailed plans for construction purposes. Tenders will go out once all the final drawings have been completed and reviewed by a quantity surveyor.
This is a very straight-forward project. Our focus has been on renovating an ageing Parish Centre. Not a rebuild or a new design, no serious structural changes - simply a renovation of the existing interior with the intention of giving it new life so that it continues to be fit for mission. This includes refreshing the function rooms, repositioning the kitchen to the front left of the Centre leaving an inviting, unimpeded space opening out to the deck area.
The plan is to remove and replace all floor coverings, wall frames and GIB linings, insulate the exterior walls in the kitchen, function and toilet areas; reline, stop and paint all walls in the kitchen and function spaces, completely upgrade the function, kitchen (new cabinets/whiteware) and toilet areas.
The total approximate build cost is $350,000 for the Parish Centre renovations.
3 architects were invited to submit formal quotes for the rebuild which include quotes from all sub-contractors. Watershed in conjunction with the Finance Committee reviewed and eventually recommended the successful quotes.
We expect the project to be completed by May 2025 with a likely start date in December 2024.
During the rebuild we anticipate the carpark will be closed for 4-6 months. There will be unavoidable disruption and reduced hours for the office operation during this time.
The Finance Committee have a number of initiatives planned to raise the necessary funds. These include donations and bequests, naming rights to essential spaces and the launch of a special ‘Project 100’ Appeal aimed at encouraging at least 100 parishioners to donate $1500.
The entire project was shared with diocesan management as information came to hand. Before final decisions were made initial approval to proceed was received from the Bishop.
The Parish office
xxxxx[email protected]
xxxxx(09) 534 8710;
A member of the Parish Centre Renovation Appeal Committee: –
xxxxxPaul Kay: 027 206 0788
xxxxxPaul Gleeson: 027 594 4534
xxxxxJo Maria 0274 364872
xxxxxMike Fairweather: 021 0509744