Our Sacramental Programme
- One of the ways the Church lives as the Body of Christ is through the special rituals we call the Seven Sacraments. Each sacrament is a visible sign of the hidden mystery of God’s love.
- In the Sacraments Jesus acts in and through the ritual. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, the transforming grace of Christ’s action is gifted to those participating.
- A Sacrament is more than a symbol of a spiritual reality: it makes the spiritual reality present as the Sacrament is celebrated.
Baptisms are held on the last Sunday of the month Preparation courses take place two weeks before.
Confirmation courses for both adults and children are held every year.
Reconciliation is available from 8 a.m. till 8.30 a.m. on Saturdays, and after the First Friday 9.15 Mass.
... and the other sacraments
Marriage preparation courses take place often during the year. Contact the Diocesan Website to get dates and other details. It comes in various formats: 6 weekly sessions, or two Saturdays of 3 sessions each.
A Marriage Preparation course is a requirement for a Catholic wedding.
Anointing of the Sick.
"If one of you is ill, he should send for the elders of the Church, and they must anoint him with oil ... and pray over him".
We celebrate a communal Sacrament of the Sick at morning Mass from time to time.
And, of course the priests are always ready to anoint the sick when it is needed. Please contact the Parish Office to arrange a home visit - (09) 534 8710.
"This is my Body ... this is my Blood ... Do this in memory of me.
For those considering life as a religious please come and speak with us about your special calling.