Ways to Give
Most of our income is from the weekly Sunday collection.
People have different ways of doing this.
Some just put money in the collection each week, what they can afford,
some set up an automatic payment.
If you would like to give through a cash donation, please collect a gifting envelope from our Parish Office.
Not many people today will be familiar with the name Nola Susan Wolfe, yet this little known Our Lady Star of the Sea parishioner who died in 2016, aged 97 and whose Ashes rest in our cemetery continues to play an important role in the maintenance and good health of this Parish. At the time of her death a Bequest of $50,000 was received from the Executors of her Estate – Nola had been a very loyal and committed parishioner and had earlier in her life decided she wanted to support her Parish long after her death. So Nola left a Bequest which was used to pay an important portion of the maintenance work on the roofs of our 3 buildings – Church, Parish Centre , and Priests’ House (Presbytery) – 6 years after her death! Nola obviously loved Our Lady Star of the Sea and what better way is there to reflect your love of the Parish.
What can we tell you about Nola – well, prior to taking up residence at Lansdowne Hospital she had been a regular attendee at Mass here and an active member of the Catholic Women's League. We are told she was a strong independent woman, an inspiration to all, admired and loved.Leaving a Bequest in your will to the Parish is one of the most thoughtful ways to ensure your love of the Parish continues on long after you have died. It is one way to make a Gift that it may not be possible to make during your lifetime.
Making a Bequest to the Parish in your Will is a simple procedure and an uncomplicated, anonymous way of contributing to special projects that under normal circumstances may be difficult to fund. Bequests generally take one of four forms – a percentage of the Estate’s Cash, Share Portfolio, Real Estate, and tangible Personal Property.
An important part of the process is to discuss specific wording/options with your Legal Advisor to ensure that your Will reflects your wishes clearly If you would like to discuss the idea of making a Bequest or need further information, please call/email the Parish Office:
(tel: 09 534 8710
Email: [email protected] )
who will arrange for a member of the Parish Finance Committee to make contact for a confidential discussion. All such enquiries will be treated with the utmost discretion.