Reconciliation (Confession):
- “In this Sacrament of Healing we are reconciled to God and the Church.”
- Catechism of the Catholic Church #1420-1498
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The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a healing remedy for our sinfulness. The individual with serious sin should confess sin as soon as possible. Confession of sin, several times a year is a very good spiritual practice even if serious sin is not present. All that is required for absolution of sin is sorrow for sin and firm purpose of amendment.
It is part of every good Catholic's lifestyle.
Confession Schedule:
Saturday 8.30 — 9.00 a.m. and after 9.15am Mass on the First Friday of the month.
Communal services are scheduled during Advent and Lent.
Other times are available by contacting Father John or Father Terry, (09) 534 8710.